SDH 067: Finding The Wellness Within | An Interview with Erin Bahadur

Do you find yourself stalking your own social media pictures, dreaming (or obsessing) about the next move you will make to create the ideal public image of yourself, and forgetting to live in the moment? Does it sometimes feel as if you’ve lost all control? As if your craving for perfection in your personal or business life threatens to consume you entirely? There is a time when you reach an emotional breaking point and enough is enough! Today’s guest, Erin Bahadur (personal trainer, fitness instructor, blogger and social media director), embraces her vulnerability and shares her story of progress ultimately trumping perfection.
In this episode, you will learn…
How to use your emotional breaking point as a catalyst for change
Ways to deal with obsessive thoughts and behaviors
The importance of keeping yourself aware
How to not get discouraged by delayed gratification
Lean In by Sheryl Sandburg
Rising Strong by Brene Brown
[Connect with Erin: Twitter (@erinsinsidejob), Facebook (erinsinsidejob) Instagram (@erinsinsidejob), Website: erinsinsidejob]