SDH 145: March Goals Recap + My Biggest Takeaway + More

Hi beautiful people!

In today's solocast I'm sharing:

  • What I learned from my 7 days of no complaining challenge - how easy it can be to complain and how it zaps your energy. Also, what happens when you don't give yourself an option to complain.

  • Recap of March and what's on the docket for April. Exciting news! She Did It Her Way will have a new website launching in June! In the meantime, if anyone has suggestions or has ever transferred loads of content from one website to another in the past, please share your experience! I'll be doing that the next two months.

  • Her Way Community. Absolutely LOVE what it has come to be. I love seeing members engage with one another, connecting with others from all around the world and sharing resources. Click here to join!

    • #MyWayChallenge. - Next week we're doing another Instagram #MyWayChallenge. The last one was so successful and received lots of great feedback that I wanted to do another one. Also, Spring is in the air so it's time to spring into action! Here are the topics for each day to help you spring your goals into action:

      • Monday Motivation: Favorite book to motivate you

      • Tuesday Time to be Productive - #1 Productivity Hack

      • Wednesday Work - Favorite Resource to Help you Blossom

      • Thursday Thanks - Mantra that makes you smell the flowers

      • Friday Fail- Favorite Fail that Lead to New Beginnings and Growth

    • Biggest Takeaway - an excerpt from "The Seat of the Soul".....

"The five sensory human is not alone either, but the five-sensory human is not aware of the assistance that is continually being given to him or her, and therefore, cannot draw upon that assistance consciously. The five-sensory human must learn primarily through his or her physical experiences, and this learning takes longer because lessons that are learned in this way must come through the density of physical matter. A person that needs to learn the lesson of trust, for example. Will experience a distrust of others. This distrust will create misunderstandings, and these will lead to tensions and unpleasant experiences. A five-sensor human will continue to experience the unpleasantness that result from his or her distrust of others until, in this lifetime or another, he or she realizes through interactions with others the source of these unpleasantnesses and take steps to change it."

Learn to listen to our intuition more and lean on trusting the gut. If something feels off, it is probably off. 

What are lessons and experiences that keep popping up for you that maybe a lesson to learn?