SDH 168: How to Gain Clarity & Take Action with Kerry Petsinger


Have you sat back and thought about what truly matters to you in life? How much time do you spend nurturing that? In what ways can you focus on it to reach fulfillment?

This was the predicament of Kerry Petsinger, a mindset and performance coach, a few years ago when she was a physical therapist. As she looked at the four walls of her office, she felt that she could be doing more with her life but she wasn't sure what it was. So she began a weekly newsletter, Your Streamlined Life, that chronicled her journey of finding what mattered most in her life, and how she could streamline those things so she could have more time for her priorities and passions.

To her surprise, her newsletter had picked up an audience from 167 countries! To develop her platform further, she reached out to some of her readers to figure out what resonated with them about her newsletter, what they struggled with, and what they hoped to gain from her posts.

What she found was that a lot of her readers weren't fulfilled by their jobs. They were successful according to societal standards, but they felt stuck, and as though they didn't have enough time to spend with their family, friends, and on their health. This was a result of their failure to balance their lives by having one area prosper, while another suffered.

From there, she developed online courses and programs that helped them find and align their purposes, priorities , and passions. In addition, she coached her clients in learning to think in a larger sense and become high performers in what mattered most to them.

She starts her clients off with reading Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath and has them take the Fascination Advantage Assessment by Sally Hogshead. With this test, her clients are able to discover what about them shines the most and draws people to them. Once her clients are able to find their strengths and their 'wow' factor, they are able to begin to rebuild their lives based off of these discoveries, and eventually live more fruitfully.

Come and learn more about how Kerry says we can eliminate empty activities through delegation, how to organize you day, and other tips to reaching clarity through action!

In this episode you will...

  • Know how to start to align your life with passions and values

  • Learn what characteristics you have that fascinate others

  • Figure out what are the empty distractions in your life and how to get rid of them

  • Learn how to design a tentative schedule for your day and wake up with intention

  • Realize what can be delegated in your personal and professional life

  • Be able to find people who are pioneers in your field and know what to take away from their journey


"Clarity comes from taking action. So if you're at a point in your life or your business...where you're not quite sure where to go...or where to focus all your efforts...the more that you get out there, get those ideas out of your head and into the world the more you learn about yourself...who you can help...what your strengths are...[and] what you're really passionate about." -Kerry Petsinger

"When you can do those things where you bring out the way that you fascinate, I feel you can make a bigger impact and just shine brighter because you're doing those things that really resonate with people" -Kerry Petsinger

"No matter where a person is at in their life with whatever your priorities...goals...[and] big dreams are, it's about being intentional. So where do you want to spend your time, where do you want to put your effort, where do you want to spend your you can truly make the difference that you want to make and be a high performer in what matters to you." -Kerry Petsinger

"A lot of times when you're in your business, or in your personal life, anytime you're working on reaching a big goal...and working on leaping towards something, you're going to have...self doubt. And if your thoughts are clouded by all of these people's...advice and they haven't even done it, it's very easy for you to let the mindset stuff overtake you. So to really say I'm going to be super intentional about who I'm learning from...that can help you so much." -Kerry Petsinger


Your Streamlined Life Website

Your Streamlined Life Facebook

Kerry Petsinger Facebook

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath (Fascination Advantage Test by Sally Hogshead)

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz