SDH 439: 4 Lies Holding You Back From Launching Your Podcast with Amanda Boleyn

SDH 439: 4 Lies Holding You Back From Launching Your Podcast with Amanda Boleyn

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Hey friend, welcome to another episode. It is a new month, how exciting! Lots of exciting things happening behind the scenes for She Did It Her Way.

If you’re someone who has thought about launching a podcast, but can’t quite get yourself to take action, it may be because you’re telling yourself one of the following lies. 

The first lie is thinking you won’t have enough guests for your show. And let me tell you this, that could not be further from the truth. Recently, a student in Podcast Your Way posted an intake form in a Facebook group she is part of and within 24 hours she had over 15 potential guests wanting to be on her show. She created her form via Google Forms to keep it simple and easy.

The second lie is telling yourself “I’ll launch a podcast when I launch my business”. The reason why this is a lie is because you don’t need to launch your business in order to launch your podcast. In fact, launching your podcast and having some idea of what your business is going to be, is the best situation to be in. Here’s why…because you’re building your audience before you ever offer them something to buy from you. If you don’t know what product or service you want to offer, that is okay. If you have a general idea about what you want to cover, whether it be via solocasts or guest interviews, you’re good to go. 

The third lie is ‘I’m not techy’. I hear this all the time and let me tell you that you do not have to be a tech person to launch a podcast. I promise. You can launch your podcast today with a set of headphones, Audacity (editing software that you can download for free), and a podcast hosting software (we use Simplecast - they’re amazing).  Your podcast hosting site (Simplecast) is where you upload your podcast episodes and then they get distributed to all the other outlets. 

The fourth lie is “I don’t have enough time to launch a podcast right now…” and the truth is that once you have all your systems in place, you can be extremely efficient at producing your show. There are a couple of different ways we save time when it comes to podcast production.

  1. Templates - We use templates for just about everything, from a podcast production template that we use in Asana, to social media graphics, and individual episode graphics.

  2. Software - We use a software called Otter to help transcribe our episodes so that our podcast producer doesn’t need to manually listen and type. She can run the audio through the software and let the software transcribe and then she goes back in and makes final edits. I believe you can subscribe to Otter for $10 a month or pay an annual fee of $100. Totally worth it.

  3. Batch Record Episodes - When we’re recording interviews, I like to do them back to back to maximize my time and energy. It can take a lot of energy to get in the zone as a host and I want to ride that wave of energy.

Until next time, keep doing it your way!


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