SDH 039: Shape Your Strategy with Ashley Logan


Ashley Logan is the CEO and editor-in-chief of the Chicago based content marketing firm Yakkety Yak. Ever since she was a little girl, and won the young author's award in her kindergarten class, Ashley knew she wanted to be a writer. However, the path she took to reach her passion began not by a pen, but by selling candy. She even worked in commercial real estate, as a tenant rep office broker, where she practiced her love for solving business problems. She realized what she needed was a way to combine her creative and strategic side into one career, and formed Yakkety Yak.

Getting Creative with Ashley

-Ashley’s journey from selling candy right out of college to being CEO of Yakkety Yak

-Being a woman in the competitive field of commercial real estate

-Why she needs “serious me time” and how she spends it

-How to dress true to yourself, as well as your career

-Advice for bloggers and businesses with a blog

-Her best tips and tricks for killer content marketing

-How she is getting better at managing a team

-Books that have influenced her business and life


Ashley’s Strategies:

“What I knew for sure was if there was a way to combine what I had learned in commercial real estate, which was solving problems for businesses, with something more creative, like the writing side of things, that was going to be a homerun for me.”

“Working in a field where you are not satisfied is hard for someone like me. It’s soul sucking. I was tired of looking over my shoulder in a super cut throat environment, and I was just unhappy."

“I decided to take some serious me time and I only allowed myself three times a week to leave my house. Which sounds a little bit weird, but I had to be that regimented. ”

“Aside from laying on my kitchen floor, with a glass of red wine, listening to Pearl Jam.. I journaled, painted, and I really explored what I wanted to do. ”

“I realized that it was time to be really straightforward and honest with myself. I had accomplished a lot with sales in a short period of time. So, I wanted the next step to be truly meaningful, and not be my last step. But, be the step where I really took control of everything that I learned.”

“I had this point system, I walked into a room knowing negative three. Where a man walks into a room and knows three, so I had to work doubly to demonstrate I was informed, and more so than anyone else who was in the same room as me. Appearance was part of that in a big way.”

“I find when you really hunker down and be positive with things, the universe has a way of repaying you.”

“For anyone who is interested in making a total career change, don’t feel like you are above taking those really low level positions. I was a content writer making fifteen bucks an hour.”

“If I am burned out, I’m useless. So I figured out that I need to have some time to let all of the day's activities sink in, to give my brain some room to breath and be creative. Without that space I am not going to be as effective for my business, the people who work with me, and my clients.”

“Don’t settle, you will always land on your feet if you believe in yourself. Any fear that you are feeling is just holding you back. So, diving in head first is the most rewarding thing that you can do.”

[Connect with Ashley:  Twitter (@YakketyYak312), Instagram (@YakketyYak312) Facebook (Yakketyyakllc) Website:]



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