SDH 453: Millionaire Within Her with Kristi Frank

SDH 453: Millionaire Within Her with Kristi Frank

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Hello friends! I’m so excited to share this week’s podcast guest with you, Kristi Frank. After graduating college with an engineering degree, Kristi did what all good engineers do and went straight to LA to become an actress. Along the way she began to really crave money and in true entrepreneurial spirit she opened what has become a very famous restaurant. At the same time she also had her hands on a few real estate properties and around that time a show you might remember called The Apprentice made its TV debut which Kristi pioneered as a season one contestant. 

This led her down the path of eventually appearing on Oprah, and ultimately leading her to her dream life working with fellow female entrepreneurs. Long story short, Kristi was asked to participate in what has become her dream project hosting a docu series, Millionaire Within Her, about women and money. 

Kristi’s journey is very colorful in that it is anything but linear and she truly followed what felt good to her and what she truly enjoyed doing, rather than following what was expected of her. She wants to teach her son that whatever he puts his energy and time into should also be something fun, that he is passionate about and an adventure. 

Another thing Kristi leans into is knowing that our feelings are there for a reason. They are always trying to tell us something and in Kristi’s journey those two things are fear and fun. If it is something that makes her ‘spidey-senses’ tingle, it's something she should definitely be diving into. She has realized over the years that you should be waking up every day with passion and excitement doing something you absolutely love. 

‘That is where your gifts truly shine. That's where you can really explore yourself, because you're just in your bliss.’

One gift Kristi’s acting journey has given her is learning that rejection is the norm. She was turned down many times and this essentially gave her a thicker skin to keep pushing forward, gently reminding herself, ‘you will be fine’.

Kristi knows exactly what it means to fill her own cup and demonstrate that making a commitment to yourself can bring so much self-awareness.

Kristi has also found herself dealing with imposter syndrome (sound familiar?) on occasion. She has learned that there are so many incredible people out there but to stop comparing herself and continue connecting with our own valuable gifts. 

She often finds herself reminding herself;

 ‘It's not going to be perfect. It's going to be messy, but it’s me. It's going to be who I am.’

But over everything, Kristi prioritizes her authenticity and is simply focused on just showing up.

Through her entrepreneurial circle, Kristi met a man who asked if she would host a series about women and money. The catch was that he was having trouble finding the women. Kristi knew exactly where to start.

I said, ‘Jeff, it's not about women and money. It's it's whole conversation about women stepping into who they are, and their worth, and their passion and their purpose.’

Kristi is the host of an incredible docu series, the Millionaire Within Her. In this series you will meet 45 incredible women who teach and inspire you through their unique stories and journeys. They range from best selling authors to high-powered business women. You’ll meet relationship experts, health experts, and more. But it doesn’t matter who it was - simply listening to each of these powerful stories truly changed Kristi, for the better.

It was truly humbling and an honor to be able to participate in this series with Kristi, alongside so many inspiring women. I’m so excited to binge watch every single episode myself and ‘meet’ these other incredible women. 

The Millionaire Within Her docu series is totally free to watch but it’s only available to watch for a short time and I highly recommend taking the time to check out each unique story.

One final thought from Kristi...

‘We are all on a journey. Nobody starts at the top, we all started somewhere.’

Until next time, keep doing it your way.


  • “Another thing Kristi leans into is knowing that our feelings are there for a reason.”

  • “You will be fine.”

  • “She has learned that there are so many incredible people out there but to stop comparing herself and continue connecting with our own valuable gifts.”

  • “[It's] not about women and money. It's it's whole conversation about women stepping into who they are, and their worth, and their passion and their purpose.”


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