SDH 375: Success In Content Marketing With Lacy Boggs

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Our guest today, Lacy Boggs, is a content strategist, author of the bestselling Kindle ebook, "Make a Killing With Content," and the director of The Content Direction Agency. She helps business owners create strategic content to market their business online. Her team creates content, copy, and content strategy for personality-driven small businesses, offers support for businesses at every level including courses, a group program, and done-for-you copywriting and strategy services.

Today, she’s here to share with us her journey to entrepreneurship, tips on content creation and some of her strategies in running her content marketing business!

In this episode, you will...

  • Hear about Lacy's story before making the leap

  • Find out what made her decide to quit her job

  • Learn about finding what makes you unique

  • Get insights on how you can navigate when starting out

  • Know that we learn by doing, no one got it right the first time

  • Discover the importance of doing what you love

  • Gather some pointers when you are starting with content creation

  • Get tips on how to hire subcontractors

  • Get insights in making sure you are legally covered

  • and more!


  • "Your journey, it will never be a straight line."

  • "Failing" at a typical blueprint-style launch taught me that it's more important to find your own leadership marketing formula than to follow the crowd."

  • "Essentialism is the disciplined pursuit of less" (but better)."


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