SDH 400: What to Do When You Feel Like Nothing Is Working with Amanda Boleyn

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One thing that I know for certain is that building a business can be downright hard, not just from the tactical strategy side of it but also the emotional side of it. Working with my clients and having gone through the beginning stages of the entrepreneurial journey myself, let me tell you. It is messy. Things feel broken all the time, constantly watching “how-to” tutorials, and you feel like you’re hanging on by a thread. If anyone tells you that their entrepreneurial journey to their multi-six, multi-seven figure business was peachy, they are lying.

Building a business can be some of the most intense personal development training you will ever experience if you let it.

In this episode, you will...

• Learn to detach yourself from the outcomes and to take care of the daily small things

• Discover that comparing your journey and thinking you should be somewhere else or further along than you are, only stunts you from actually moving forward

• Unlearn being conditional

Learning online business, building an engaged community filled with folks who want to buy from you, not being afraid of what people say about you, all takes time. It takes patience.

So when you’re building your business, you’re in the thick of it, clients aren’t signing up, you feel like no one is engaging or showing up, and your brain is freaking the F out, here is a list of things you can do at that moment to put yourself back in the driver seat.

1. Stop resisting. Resistance can be physical and energetical. Suffering is caused by resisting.

2. Stop trying to control.

3. Obstacles as opportunities. This is about changing your perspective.

4. Where your focus goes, energy flows results will show. Redirect your focus on what is working.

5. You can do this by creating a “gratitude list.” Make a list of what is working. We often think about what we’re doing in our business and what “isn’t working” even though we’ve recently just proved that it is by getting a sale.

6. Change your state. Your state determines your story that creates a story.

7. Understand what your primary question may be. I realized that my primary question was always asking “What’s wrong and how do I fix this?” Always. I always assumed something was wrong in my business. And if I always assume that something is wrong, then I’m going to want to fix it.

8. Practice patience. In a world where everything is focused on immediate gratification, it is quite the opposite when it comes to building a business.

Stop resisting, release control, turn obstacles into opportunities, shift your focus, create a gratitude list, and change your physical state.

Because truly, when it feels like nothing is working, everything is working...just not the way we want it to.

If you enjoyed today’s podcast episode I’d love for you to leave us an iTunes review. Until next time, keep doing it your way!


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