Start From Scratch Challenge - Day 5

Day 5 Start From Scratch

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What is the Start From Scratch Challenge?

Hey there!!

This week is the Start From Scratch Challenge where I am teaching you exactly how to get started, build your business and land clients (without having a website.)

That means, every day, I’ll be releasing new mini-episodes so be sure to tune in this week. 

During this challenge, I’m breaking down every step so that by the end of the week you’ll know exactly what to do to start getting clients and feel confident about it. 

As we go through the challenge, I want you to set aside 25 minutes every day to do the work every single day. To download the workbook for this challenge, see below.

Day 5 - Pricing + Next Steps

Welcome to day 5 of the Start From Scratch challenge!

Welcome back for the 5th and final day of the Start From Scratch Challenge, you have made it! Now, if you’ve listened to all the training and done your homework, you should be feeling pretty excited right about now!

Today, we’re going to cover some final things so you can start marketing your services:

  • We’re going to talk about pricing - how much to charge and how to plan for the number of hours you can work each week.

  • Content Creation - specifically your Instagram grid.

  • We’re going to cover your email strategy and how to reach out to people in your immediate network.

  • Lastly, I’ll be sharing a way for you to take this content even deeper and apply it to get massive results.


  • How much should I share is one of the most common questions I get asked and one that I’ve asked myself. When you’re deciding how much to charge, here are a couple of things to think about:

    • How much do you want to charge?

    • What are others charging (to better understand the market)?

  • When you are starting out, you’re really focused on an entry point. How can you start to build up your clientele list and gain experience? Your prices will evolve and most likely go up over time. 

  • One thing you could do is take your current salary divide by 2080, which is the standard number of working hours in a year to get an idea of either where to start or where you want to work up to. For example, if you make $50,000 per year and divide it by 2080, your hourly rate is $24/hour. You can decide if you want to start there, higher or go a little lower. 

  • A few places to research and get an idea of what people are paying for your services are:

    • Again, using Upwork as a guide. 

    • Facebook groups, using the search bar inside of Facebook groups. Just like a Google search but only within a Facebook group.

  • Decide ahead of time how many hours a week you can dedicate to providing services and working your full-time job. This may require you to get extremely intention about how you use your time and planning your schedule ahead of time. If you know you can dedicate an extra 10 hours a week to the services you provide and you start at $20 an hour, you then bring in an extra $200 a week. As your business continues to grow, you will find yourself at a potential leap point, where you’ve maxed out all the hours you can give to your business outside of your full-time job and you’ve got clients lined up that you’re ready to leap.

Content Creation and Planning:

  • Think about the services you offer to help decide the 3-5 categories you want to rotate through on IG. 

    • For example, if you help online creators with writing copy for blogs, IG content planning and graphic creation you could decide to use them as categories for your planning. 

    • Other categories to work in: behind the scenes, an inspirational quote, an introduction of you. 

    • Then decide how often you want to publish a photo on IG. Let’s say 4x a week. 

      • Day 1: You’re going to share “writing copy for blogs” tip 

      • Day 2: Tip on how to do content planning

      • Day 3: Client success for graphic creation

      • Day 4: You rotate between behind the scenes and an inspiration quote

    • You can plan this all out ahead of time using a software tool called Planoly. This will help drive engagement and visibility for you.

Emailing Your Immediate Network:

  • Inside the workbook for this challenge (which if you have downloaded yet, you can still grab it by heading to, I provide you a simple and easy email template to use when reaching out to your network. 

  • You want to keep the emails short and concise. It will make it easier for people to read.

    • Include a short intro as to why you’re reaching out:

      • For this, you’re probably not going to say, “BECAUSE I WANT TO QUIT MY JOB.” You can simply say you’re reaching out because you want to diversify your skill set, try out different things, explore different avenues. You will need to use your discretion based on who you’re reaching out to.

    • Bullet Point your 3-5 services

    • Include 2-3 sentences about your overall capability and competence. 

    • Lastly, instead of asking whomever, you’re emailing directly, ask them “if they know of anyone who needs help with their business part-time in any of these areas, that you’d be grateful for an introduction.

    • Option to include your Calendly link as a way to set up a discovery call. 

  • Once you have everything ready, reach out to at least 5 people in your network. Send individual emails. Don’t discount people thinking “Well, they can’t help me so why should I send them an email.” Because you don’t know who they know. And you’ll never know unless you do it. 

This week we’ve covered mindset, creating your roadmap, how to get clients, your proven process to getting clients and next steps including pricing, messaging and action. 

If you’re ready to go all-in for 2020 and bet on yourself, I want you to join the Ultimate Leap Accelerator. It is a 6-week course where we take everything we covered this week and apply it. The Ultimate Leap Accelerator has been designed for people who don’t have a ton of time as it and want to maximize their results. Each week will take you less than 60 minutes to go through the course content and apply it. I provide you with templates so that all you have to do is fill in the blank. 

See what’s inside the course!

Week 1: Create Your Roadmap: 

  • We get clear on what services you’re offering, who you want to offer them to and where to market them.

Week 2: Converting Call Formula. 

  • I’m going to walk you step-by-step on how to set up the process we went over on day 4. What questions to include in your Calendly link so that you can maximize your time on your discovery call. 

Week 3: Create Your Buying Environment. 

  • Here this week, we dive deeper into the actual discovery call itself; how to take control of the call, manage your time, use open-ended questions, linking and cushion statements. I also provide you with an entire list of questions and call script to use for the 25 minutes. You just have to follow it!

Week 4: Price Your Services + How to Collect Payment. 

  • We’ll decide your pricing, learn the different ways to price your services; hourly, project, retainer, hybrid and the different ways to collect payments and track your income so everything is automated.

Week 5: The Close + Next Steps

  • How to follow up after a discovery call so that you increase the likely hood of your potential client to say YES (Don't worry, I'll give you a template for this!)

  • What to do when your potential client says YES. (Don't worry, I'll give you a checklist!)

  • How to service your clients (tools to use!) and how to retain them.

Week 6: Visibility Challenge

  • Go time! Send emails to your immediate network (I give you a template for this!)

  • Create a powerful Instagram bio and strong call-to-action.

  • Understand feature-advantage-benefit to position your messaging.

  • How to brainstorm meaningful content to attract your ideal customer on social media.

What you get:

  • 6 pre-recorded training modules with corresponding lessons that become available every Monday during the program at 12pmCST.

  • Templates and worksheets to make it even easier for you to take action.

  • 3 (Bi-weekly) 60 minute Q&A Coaching Calls (on Wednesdays at 6:30pmCST).

  • Private Facebook Group to connect, share wins and challenges.

  • Lifetime access to all course content, material, and templates.

Doors are officially open as of today and close Thursday, January 16th at 7 pm Central. 

And as a bonus, when you enroll before Monday, January 13th at 9pmCST, you’ll receive free access for 60 days to Her Way to $75K membership after the 6 weeks of the program. 

Why is this beneficial? 

Because inside the membership, you’ll have access to over 9 different courses from how to organize your business, how to build your Squarespace website in 30 days, information about how to legally set up your entity, accounting and more! Plus there are monthly Q&As. This allows you to receive continued support and coaching after the program.

The program officially begins on Monday, January 20th and goes for 6 weeks. I’ve made it super easy and simple for you to take action and see results. This is the time. If you’re ready to make 2020 your best year yet and the year of the leap, then you need to be in this program. 

If you have questions about the program, you can either DM us on Instagram or email us at

Until next week, keep doing it your way! 

Until then, keep doing it your way!
