Start From Scratch Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 Start From Scratch

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What is the Start From Scratch Challenge?

Hey there!!

This week is the Start From Scratch Challenge where I am teaching you exactly how to get started, build your business and land clients (without having a website.)

That means, every day, I’ll be releasing new mini-episodes so be sure to tune in this week. 

During this challenge, I’m breaking down every step so that by the end of the week you’ll know exactly what to do to start getting clients and feel confident about it. 

As we go through the challenge, I want you to set aside 25 minutes every day to do the work every single day. To download the workbook for this challenge, see below.

Day 4 - Your Proven Process

Welcome to day 4 of the Start From Scratch challenge!

I have to say that I am really enjoying this training and it has been a ton of fun for me to put it together and share this with you all. 

Now for day 4, today I’m going to share with you, your proven process. This process will take the place of your website (in the beginning). Again, I’m not saying that you should never build a website, what I am saying is that you don’t need it to get started and marketing your services. 

My goal is to help eliminate anything that may be preventing you from taking action. The overwhelm. I want to make it super simple for you to take action. 

Taking action also requires changing the way you look at things. If you look at your to-do list and feel overwhelmed, it isn’t your to-do list that is overwhelming it is the way you’re choosing thinking about it. As my mentor Adam Caroll use to say, “are you pole vaulting over mouse turds?” making something out of nothing. 

When I was getting started with email marketing a few years ago, I used to think that understanding ConvertKit needed to be this BIG thing, that if I didn’t have 4 hours in the day to carve out, it wasn’t worth even digging in. And the truth is, once I committed to 25 minutes a day, simply logging in, playing with the software and not putting any expectation, on myself, I ended up learning ConvertKit. 

Same thing with this challenge. Don’t think it needs to be something that takes up soo much time because you’ll miss the magic. You’ll miss it altogether. Spend 25 minutes doing something is better than zero minutes. Like Nike says, just do it!

Okay, now on to today’s training. 

  • After you listen to the training, if you have additional questions or something didn’t make sense, I recommend watching the training on Youtube because that way you can see me going through the different software tools in action.

  • The process I share with you today is what will take the place of your website in the interim. It is what will allow you to get started immediately so that you no longer have to wait to get clients. It will take less than 25 minutes to set up and uses completely free software tools.

The four software tools that you’ll need are:

  • Zoom

  • Calendly

  • Linktree

  • Instagram


  • Zoom is the perfect software to host your discovery calls.

  • Create your FREE account

  • Use personal ID for your calls (and your future client calls)


  • Calendly is a calendar management system that allows you to streamline the process of scheduling your discovery calls.

  • Set up 25-minute time slots.

  • Decide days and times of the week you're going to conduct your discovery calls.

  • Set your schedule in Calendly.


  • Linktree is free software that allows you to have one link that then takes people to multiple links.

  • You can create a specific link to your Calendly link for people to sign up for a discovery call.

  • Great to use when you have multiple places for people to visit.

  • You can also choose to not use Linktree and directly use your Calendly link.


  • Create a powerful bio. Speak to the transformation and the services you offer. This is PRIME real estate.

  • Set up your CTA (call-to-action).

  • Provide the direct Calendly link or Linktree.

  • If you don’t have Instagram, that is okay, IG is just one place where you can market your services. 

  • You can skip Instagram and simple use only the Calendly link and have a CTA in your email signature. 


  • Whether it is inbound or outbound marketing, you want to aim for a certain amount of discovery/strategy calls with people every single week/month. The more calls you have, statistically, the more clients you’ll have. 

Remember to download the workbook at 

If you want to watch this training, head to

Come hang out with me on Instagram. Screenshot this episode. And share your ah-ha moment. 

Tomorrow is the fifth and final day of the challenge! We’re going to be talking about next steps:

  • How to use content (specifically content for IG) to drive engagement

  • What to price your services

  • And what to say in the email you send to your network.

A Final Note!

If you’re enjoying the challenge so far, screenshot today’s training and tag us on Instagram, and share your biggest takeaway so far!

Until then, keep doing it your way!
