SDH 402: 6 Steps to Creating More Space to Achieve Your Goals with Amanda Boleyn

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One of the biggest reasons why we don’t achieve our goals is because we get distracted from keeping our mindset focused on the main goal. Our minds wander, life takes over, we get distracted and next thing you know it is 30 days later and we haven’t even come close to achieve the goals we set forth.

Part of it might be that we’re setting the wrong goal and so we’re not entirely motivated by it. Part of it might be that we need to practice the skill of following through and part of it might be how our environment is set up around us, which is what I’m going to dive into today.

In this episode, I want to share with you 6 things you can do right now that will drastically change your ability to achieve your goals. 

When I started implementing these 6 things, achieving my goals became easy, became a habit, and became the norm. There was zero question about whether or not I was going to achieve the goals I set for myself because I knew that I had set myself up for success.

1. Limit your input - Part of what distracts us is the amount of input we’re taking in. 

2. Create constraints - Once you’ve identified what you want to limit, next is to create the constraints that help you limit that input. It is time to put the blinders on. Here are a few things you can do right now to put your blinders on:

Set up “Do Not Disturb” time constraints on your phone. 

    1. Set up time limits on certain apps. Currently, I have a time limit on IG and when I first started it was amazing to realize how much time I was spending on the app.

    2. Place your phone in a different location an hour before bed so you’re not tempted to be on it. 

    3. Select only 1-2 podcasts you’re going to listen to and delete the rest. Obviously keep this one ;) 

    4. Join a community. What I mean by this, for example, is every week inside Coach Her Way Academy on Mondays from 5-7 pm Central and Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30 am Central we do virtual co-working hours. For the students in the program, the program has set forth specific hours that allow them to create that constraint in their schedule so that they know during those times they have blocked out to work on their business. 

    5. Time constraints - giving yourself half the amount of time to do something that you thought was going to take longer. 

    6. Notifications on your phone - turn these off so you don’t get distracted.

    7. Mute people on social media.

    8. Install Facebook News Feed Eradicator.

3. Practice saying “No” more often - Part of putting limitations on ourselves and what we allow in, will require us to practice saying “No” more often. 

4. Declutter your physical space - When you have more stuff in your space, it is hard to keep it organized and create a place for everything that you have. 

Here are a few tips to get started on decluttering your space:

    1. Start with one room at a time and take 30 minutes to edit and remove things that no longer serve you, bring you joy, or things that you no longer use. 

    2. Be extremely intentional about what you bring into your physical space. 

    3. This doesn’t just pertain to your home but other areas too, like your car. 

5. Declutter your digital space

    1. Take inventory of all the apps on your phone; do you need them, why are they there and can you delete them?

    2. Can you delete photos that are simply screenshots and clean them up?

    3. Reorganize your apps. Move them to a different screen so you’re not tempted. 

    4. Unsubscribe from emails that you no longer need.

    5. Clean up your desktop

    6. Clear out your inbox - group everything by the sender

    7. Go through your download folder on your computer and delete anything that doesn’t need to be there.

    8. Upgrade operating system and applications

    9. Go through your Google Drive and/or Dropbox

6. Track how you currently spend your time. This is huge. Most of us don’t know where the days go….sooo if you don’t know where they go, that means it is time to track them. 


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