SDH 403: Turning Problems in to Opportunities with Amanda Jane Clarkson

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Today's guest is Amanda Jane Clarkson, best selling author, podcaster, international speaker, entrepreneur, Millionairess mentor, founder and editor-in-chief of Millionairess Magazine, co-founder of the Millionairess Movement. Millionairess Magazine and the Millionairess Movement is dedicated to turning entrepreneurial women into Millionairesses from the inside, by elevating their self-worth, net worth, and life-worth, with the vision of enriching the lives of generations to come.

Amanda has been in an entrepreneur and building businesses for more than 30 years. As a child growing up in Tasmania, Australia, she was taught that money doesn't grow on trees, and to get anything you have to work hard. The idea of getting a job, starting a career, and getting married and settling down frightened her. Leaving home at just 16, she'd have 33 different jobs, sometimes up to 3 different jobs at any one time.

Amanda got into business in her 20's but it was in her 30's that she discovered the power of mentorship and personal empowerment. That's when her life changed for the better. In her 30's she felt like she had wasted 15 years trying to figure things out. She started 14 businesses but only 7 of them she considered successful. For her, success is an inside job and not based on the opinion of others, especially those who haven't been in identical situations because they are not qualified to give an opinion on what you are doing.

In this episode, you will...

  • Realize that your happiness is not dependent on other people

  • Learn the importance of letting go of the things that weigh you down

  • Identify your highest priorities that will take you closer to your dreams

  • Be inspired and motivated to pursue your dreams

  • Find out the importance of delegating in your business

  • Learn that who you surround yourself with, matters

  • Get to know that it is important to share your dreams to the right community

  • Discover the importance of joining in the right community


  • "Life doesn't get better by chance it gets better by change."

  • "And that for things to change, first I must change and I and the penny kind of dropped I realized that instead of blaming other people, looking on the outside of myself for the answers, it was time to work on me and change my philosophy."

  • "To get what you want, and if you create a business around what you want your life to look like, how you can help it solve problems for other people answer questions, you take the focus off yourself, and you put it onto other people so fully serving, that's when you can go from level four to level eight in financially, spiritually, emotionally, in all areas of life."


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