SDH 365: A Year In Review With Amanda Boleyn

Hello beautiful friends!
I can’t believe this is the final episode of 2019. It is super fun to look back at the year and acknowledge all the growth and changes that have been made.
I love doing a year-end reflection and while setting new goals is super fun, it is super important to also reflect on the previous year. In order to figure out where you want to go and HOW you’re going to get there, you first need to identify where you’re at and where you’ve come from.
In this episode, you will...
Learn about properly setting goals
Why it's important to reflect when setting goals
Hear about The Wheel of Life tool
Insights on how to excitingly plan your goal
Discover the different categories when planning and more!
I have been using this tool and based on the results in each of the areas I can now confidently and strategically decide the direction of my life for 2020 and where I want to focus my time and energy to produce the results I want, the emotions I want to feel and I want you guys to do the same! :)
"Without taking time to reflect on the past year, you could find yourself thinking you’re in Austin Texas, planning on getting to LA but never actually getting there because you don’t accurately know where you’re at."
"There will be seasons in your life when your wheel is somewhat unbalanced, and that is okay."
"You get to decide what are the emotions you want to feel in 2020."