Start From Scratch Challenge - Day 1

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Hey there!!

This week is the Start From Scratch Challenge where I am teaching you exactly how to get started, build your business and land clients (without having a website.)

That means, every day, I’ll be releasing new mini-episodes so be sure to tune in this week. 

During this challenge, I’m breaking down every step so that by the end of the week you’ll know exactly what to do to start getting clients and feel confident about it. 

As we go through the challenge, I want you to set aside 25 minutes every day to do the work every single day. To download the workbook for this challenge, see below.

Day 1 - Mindset

I want you to know that anything is possible for you in 2020. If you want to start a business and quit your job, it is possible. I want you to create a life and a year that when looking back will blow your mind. That you will be so proud of yourself and what you have created and accomplished. 

It all starts with our thinking.

What we think, causes an emotion, that creates action and produces a result. This is a concept that I was first introduced to when I read Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. That our mind is what creates our reality that we live in today. Our current circumstances in which we are living, are simply evidence of our previous thoughts. 

Our thoughts are caused by our circumstances and what we chose to focus on. 

Because where focus goes, energy flows, results will show. 

There are 3 main challenges I see newer business owners face when getting started.

Let’s say you know that you want to quit your job in 2020 but you’re not exactly sure where to start or what services to offer. 

You think, “Who would even hire me and for what?”

Then next thought might be, “Well, if I’m going to start a business I first need a website.”

Followed by an occasional, “Will this even work, there are so many people doing what I want to do.” 

These three thoughts create the perfect stall out of the storm. 

The amount of doubt that is derived from “Who would even hire me and for what?” creates a level of uncertainty, that when you get the next question of “I need to build a website first” you get overwhelmed by even thinking of how you’re going to do it that by the final question, you no longer have any motivation and as a result, don’t take any action and by the constant inaction, you perpetuate that as your current reality. 

Always be mindful and aware of the thoughts you think and the questions you ask yourself. 

Shift your focus from scarcity and lack to ABUNDANCE. Remind yourself that there is plenty to go around. When one person lands a client, it doesn’t mean that there is less for you. Focus on your strengths and what you have to offer. 

Figuring out exactly what you want to do in the beginning isn’t the most important thing.

It isn’t about getting it perfect, it is about getting started!

Tomorrow, we’re going to go through an exercise on how to figure out where to start. 

When it comes to building a website, your belief might be that in order to have a legit business I need a website. 

But is that true? Is it possible to have a business with clients without having a website (in the beginning)? 

For this example, this is where you’d want to find evidence of the opposite. 

Notice that you believe that, the only way for you to starting marketing your services and getting clients is by having a website. 

What I want you to do, not only for this exercise but other thoughts and beliefs you may have is ask yourself “Yes but is that true?”

Is it true that the only way I can have a “legit” business with clients is by having a website?

And of course, the answer is NO. Of course, it isn’t the only way. 

So then you have to ask yourself, “Well, what are the other ways?”

This is when you start to look for evidence. 

Start to seek out people who have built successful businesses from scratch with zero websites. 

By doing this and finding evidence, you start to prove to yourself that it IS possible to start a business without a website, allowing you the freedom to take a different action.

A close friend of mine made over $200,000K last year without having a website.


Simply by having conversations with people and following up. 

Become a watcher of your thoughts.

Find evidence that it is possible to have the life and business you want by finding other people who are living it. 

Remember to download the workbook at 

Come hang out with me on Instagram. I would love to know what you’re most excited about for this week and learn more about where you’re at in the journey of building your business. 

Tomorrow is day 2 and it is all about creating your roadmap. 

Until then, keep doing it your way!
