SDH 032: Do Things That Terrify You – From Fighter Pilot to News Correspondent with Lea Gabrielle


Lea is a correspondent at the Fox Business Network, fills in as an anchor and comes on as a national security and aviation expert. Her background is in the military starting out at the Naval Academy and on active duty for 12 years, leaving as an Officer, Lieutenant Commander. After the Naval Academy she was selected to attend Navy Flight School and flew F/A-18s for the Navy.

We Talk About:

  • Lea’s background in the Navy

  • Her transition from a female fighter pilot into becoming a news reporter

  • What it’s like flying a F/A-18 “Hornet” aircraft

  • Her scariest experience and proudest moment in flying

  • Training to become an aircraft carrier pilot

  • Lea’s self-talk to get through every experience

  • Being a woman in such a male-dominated arena, and how to be herself

  • Lea’s advice to our listeners based on her life experience so far

  • How she tests herself every day and our rapid fire questions.

Notable Quotes:

“It occurred to me that journalists are essentially the ones writing tomorrow’s history, today.”

“Flying an F/A-18, there’s just really no limits. To have that much power, right there at your fingertips is just incredible.”

“If I did it, anyone can. It’s just a mindset.”

“It’s almost a matter of forgetting what to look like, forgetting who you are, and just deciding you’re going to thrust yourself into that environment.”

“It’s being able to compartmentalize – take things moment-by-moment.”

“You do a lot of things that are going to scare you, and you just have to learn to push through your fear.”

“It taught me what it’s like to be a minority – it really helped me appreciate some of the challenges that other people face as they’re going through life.”

“Eventually you figure out that life is not going to be fun unless you can be who you are.”

“Don’t be afraid of failure, in fact, if you’re not failing in life, it means you’re probably leading a mediocre life.”

You should always reach for things that are out of your reach. You should go for things that you probably can’t quite do and go for it anyway. Sometimes you’re going to fall flat on your face, but those failures teach you.

“Trust yourself. Be bold.”

“You really need to do things in life that terrify you.”

“The most fulfilling life is one where you can both trust and love.”

“Know who you are, be your best, be a good person, and don’t waste time on the haters.”

My best advice when it comes to accomplishing goals is to figure out the way other people are doing it and find a different way. Because if you’re waiting in line behind everyone else, you’re going to get there about as fast as they do.

[Connect with Lea: Twitter (@LeaFOXNews)]


Lea’s featured articles: Marie Claire | Allure | Northern Virginia Magazine