SDH 095: Stay True to Your Story | A conversation with Kelly and Andra from With Grace and Gold

Do you work full-time and are unsatisfied with what you do? Are you struggling to find your place in the work place? Maybe you started your side gig as a creative outlet and realized it's really your passion.

Are you gravitating toward it?

Ready to take the leap, and share your story?

Today's guests, the daring designers and best friends, Kelly Zugay and Andra Barkey share their story of the leap and how they go beyond branding to help other female entrepreneurs tell their stories with their branding business With Grace and Gold.


Tune in to hear the story behind a business rooted in faith, friendship, and a shared passion for serving women in business.

In this episode, you will…

  • Strengthen partnerships with project management systems

  • Uncover conversations you may have to have with your family or self to take the leap

  • Identify how to set goals for a buffer budget once taking the leap

  • Acquire the confidence to strengthen your business

  • Value your businesses unique story

Tune in and get ready to share your story!




“That's really all you need to motivate you, is just the idea that something can be greater and that you can create something.”- Kelly Zugay

"If you have to waitress on the side to help pay your rent because you're growing this dream, do that." Andra Barkey

"I realized how powerful it can be to just be open, honest, and share your story." Kelly Zugay

"I know I can make a difference doing what I'm good at, and I don't have to pretend to be someone else." -Andra Barkey

"Because we are being true to ourselves and true to our story, we have what it takes to last." - Kelly Zugay

"No one is starting from the same place. Everyone's journey is so unique." Kelly Zugay