SDH 130: Learn to Love Your Problems with Cordova Pleasants

Did you take the first steps in starting your business only to have them fall through? Maybe you were able to make some headway, only to be confronted with the overwhelming reality of what it means to be your own boss? Regardless, did that fire in your soul and the determination in your heart ever die?

We didn't think so!

 Even if your confidence was shaken, we've got just the cure you need. We check back in with Cordova Pleasants, owner of Resolute Boutique and Lifestyle, while she chronicles the major problems she's faced as her online store takes flight. She reminds aspiring entrepreneurs to find joy in the sometimes discouraging and stressful times when starting out, because those problems are born out of being the boss and dictator of your own business.

Join us as we share tips on how to enjoy your lemonade when life hands you lemons!

 In this episode you will...

  • Develop the mindset of an effective problem solver as an entrepreneur

  • Take rejection as a learning & growing experience

  • Know how to conduct business relationships & partnerships

  • Stand your ground when dealing with business negotiations

  • Find the courage to start your business by yourself

  • Learn how to generate content, on a budget, for your business


"I had received such support from female entrepreneurs and people wanting to collaborate. It's been such a great experience so far. Everyone wants to help each other out."-Cordova Pleasants

"Content generates itself as long as you put in the work."-Cordova Pleasants

"If you're somebody who's listening right now and you're on the fence, do one thing a day and you will be so much further ahead."-Cordova Pleasants

"I love my business problems! Take a step back and look at your problems and analyze them. Are they the kind of problems that you're okay dealing with or are they not? If they're not, maybe you need to readjust and move and find problems that you like to solve."-Cordova Pleasants


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