My 2 year pivot (+ Me quitting my J.O.B.) 😯

Amanda Boleyn

It took me five years and many pivots along the way.

Let me share that if it seems like I have it all together. I don’t. And for a while, admitting that I don’t have it all together felt like a loss, a defeat.

The internet has a funny way of making it seem like everyone else has their life together and figured out, except you.

The truth is, life is not linear, it is not perfect and it is not always well-kept. Sometimes you go backwards, sometimes you feel lost and sometimes it is a hot mess.

And that is okay. There is no “normal.”

I’ve learned to adopt a new belief over the past few years that everything is happening for me, not to me. And it is all happening at the right time.

June 2010- Early 2012: Post College


May 2012

It was the second time I found myself quitting a “Corporate job” but this time instead of going to another corporate job, I was entering the world of contract work or “1099,” (also known as a tax form). There were many many tears leading up to this moment. I had started at Target inside one of their stores in West Des Moines, Iowa upon graduation in spring of 2010. It didn’t take long for me to know that it wasn’t where I wanted to be long term.

Yet, I didn’t know where I wanted to be.

So, I got a bridge job. I went from working 60 hours a week, every other weekend and holiday to having a "normal" schedule.

I started working at Wells Fargo in July 2011 way of a third party agency. I worked there for 8 months. And it was during my transition from Target to Wells Fargo, that I found myself at a conference in Chicago that would change the rest of my life.

It was at that conference I met the owner of a company that hires contractors to go out and delivering workshops and trainings for his clients. Fast forward 8 months, a handful of phone calls, and coffees later, I got THE call and was offered an opportunity to work a 7-month project with att delivering sales and marketing training to their call center reps.

May 2012 - Mid 2015: Flying High

Shea and Bo

I put in my two week’s notice, packed my bags and flew to San Diego for train-the-trainer. Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what I was getting myself into but I trusted my gut.

Later that summer of 2012, I moved to Chicago, which is where I now call home. My first apartment!

Chicago Apartment

For 3 years straight, almost every week, I was traveling to a different city across the country (sometimes world). I was leading 30+ person workshops, doing one-on-one coaching with leaders and growing every day as a facilitator and speaker. It was such an incredible experience. I had the opportunity to work with companies like Intel, Weight Watchers, JP Morgan, medical centers and more. Yet, I couldn’t deny the internal pull of wanting to create something of my own.

January 2015: The Shift

She Did It Her Way Podcast

She Did It Her Way podcast launched. At the time it launched, podcasts were still fairly new. I chose this medium because I prefer to talk rather than type or write. I started the podcast as a hobby. Traveling every week, living out of a suitcase and feeling like I didn’t have a life in the city that I paid rent in, started to take a toll.

I craved connection.

And I found it through She Did It Her Way podcast.

Within the first six months of launching, She Did It Her Way was named as a top podcast for entrepreneurs by Forbes,, and other media outlets. Still, there were zero plans to turn the podcast into a business.

2016 - 2017: The Internal Struggle

These two years I really struggled. I felt lost the majority of the time. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I wasn’t living my full potential and that was scary. It was the first time in my life that I wasn’t inspired or driven. I was in one of the deepest spirals I had ever experienced in my life. I felt like I wasn’t myself. I was also dealing with an internal conflict.

Something that I loved doing, the facilitating, coaching, I started to resent. I started to resent it because the work required me to get on a plane and be away from home. For me to continue making a living in that capacity I had to pack up my things and get on a plane.

I no longer wanted to be gone that much. But if not that work, then what?

During those two years I started to get more listeners reaching out asking if I offered services or if I’d coach them. While I did know how to launch a podcast, start a business (from a contractor/service) stand point, it still didn’t feel right. And in hindsight, it was a MAJOR case of imposter syndrome. Hard core.

At the end of 2017 I started dabbling and decided to host my first ever She Did It Her Way Summit. And it was a complete success, at least in my eyes! Over 35 women from 11 different states attended. The event came together in less than three months.

She Did It Her Way Summit

2018 - The Pivot

The year of massive action. I was so comfortable getting up in front of rooms, facilitating and coaching, yet I struggled to take massive action when it came to this whole online business thing. It was scary, uncomfortable and downright overwhelming. I gave myself one year to go all in. Get as uncomfortable as I possibly could. At this point, I was still working a few contract projects to help with during the transition.

2019 - Owning It

I’ve learned so much this year, not just the mechanics of how to put a course together, email marketing, and hosting an event but just how committed I am to my business.

I stepped up to the plate in more ways than one. I stopped hiding. I decided to stop playing small. I made 4 figure investments in programs and teachers. And incredible things happened.

This past year my team and I:

  • Hosted our annual She Did It Her Way Summit (over 100 women between the two tracks)

  • Sold a 6-month coaching program (that resulted in $25,000 additional revenue) at the end of the event

  • Made a tough decision to close down Her Way Society (our monthly membership) after running it for a year because we knew there was a better way to serve our audience

  • Launched two new courses (Scale Your Way and Podcast Your Way)Launched a BETA program (Website Your Way that is now a part of our signature program The Ultimate Leap Suite Academy)

  • Hosted two rounds of Confusion to Clarity (8-week group coaching program)

  • And later this week, The Ultimate Leap Suite Academy will officially launch.

To say that this year was full is an understatement. And it isn’t even over yet.

One of our core values at She Did It Her Way is action creates clarity. (Now there are definitely times when you need to pause from the action, assess, be with the results and be with yourself vs always doing). Yet, in the beginning of building a business, it is important to bring the energy and take the action.

Because you’re still figuring out what your business looks like, who exactly you want to serve, how you want to show up, the only way that you can truly learn, know and understand is by taking action.

In two days, the doors will be opening up to The Ultimate Leap Suite Academy that has been in the making for over 2 years. In fact, I actually launched a 6 week program, with the same name back in fall of 2015. I can’t wait to share it with you on Friday!

As we enter the last two full months of 2019, I want to leave you with these two questions...

How can you play a bigger game? How can you step up to the plate?

And it doesn't have to be in some BIG way. Playing a bigger game and stepping up to the plate usually is because of a decision to make tiny adjustments that lead to massive results over time.

What is one thing you can do today that can get you where you want to go tomorrow?

Cheering you on from Chicago,

Amanda Boleyn

P.S. I’m hosting a FREE training this Friday, November 1st at 12:30 PM Central / 10:30 AM Pacific, I'm hosting a free live training to show you how to go from Corporate cubicle to sold-out services.

At this free training, you'll learn:

  • 3 Biggest Blocks Keeping You Stuck: Learn the 3 biggest limiting beliefs that are you keeping you stuck and how to reverse them.

  • 4 Places to Find Your 1st Client: I'm going to share with you four specific places online where you can find your first client.

  • Her Way Method: A 5 step strategy that can help you land your 1st paying client & quit your corporate job in less than 6 months.

  • The Next 10 Steps to Take to Launch Your Online Business: Starting a business can be confusing. You know you need to do something, you're just not sure what. I'm going to give you the next 10 steps to take.

Click here to register for the training!

I'll be looking for your name in the live chat!

Amanda Boleyn