10 Ways To Find Your Ideal Customer On Instagram

10 Ways To Find Your Ideal Customer On Instagram.png

How to view Instagram (and other social media platforms and life in general)? 

First, some ground rules and ways to get in the right headspace with Instagram.

Instagram is a social media app. You can open up this app and by simply opening it up you are then able to see behind the scenes and get transported into so many other worlds.

Use Instagram and other social media platforms and life in general, as a way to see what is possible, not as a comparison. Trust me, I have certainly experienced my own spiral of comparison and it completely stole my joy for a bit of time on my honeymoon.

When you see others experience success or success that you wish you had in your business, instead of getting jealous or upset, remind yourself that it is a demonstration of what is possible and if it is possible for her, then it is possible for you.

Celebrate that experience, that reminder came into your life, showing you that it is possible for you to have that type of business, that many follow to engage with, that outfit, purse, you name it. This provides a complete energy shift. The energy you experience from jealous will never attract the energy you need for abundance.

Use Instagram as a tool, because it is. It can be so easy to scroll, endlessly and get sucked into watching and coveting other people's lives of people you don't even know. Focus on interaction, like, comment and respond. Do this genuinely though. Don't simply like for the sake of liking but engage with other people online.

  • Set an intention, set a time.

    • It can be extremely easy to get sidetracked and lose time while being on the app. Set aside specific time for Instagram and what your intention is with it. Is it to post on stories or post to your grid, will you engage or all three? Know your purpose before opening up the app. help you avoid lower vibrational states than when you started.

  • IG Posts - Ask for an action (tag someone, double-tap, share)

    • A super simple way to increase engagement is in the caption of your post include a CTA (call to action) that gets people to do something. Yes, it helps the algorithm but it, more importantly, helps you engage with your followers.

  • Use planning apps (Planoly) to layout two weeks content (or a month's worth of content) ahead of time.

    • Part of attracting your ICA is simply by the content you produce and thinking it through. This will help you avoid those moments when you "don't know what to post" or "don't know what to talk about". If planning out content for a whole month feels overwhelming then focus on doing it for a week at a time to get in the flow of it.

  • Use the app features (Swipe up if you have 10K+, leverage the polls to ask questions and get feedback.) Gone are the days of needing to do long focus groups.

    • Poll features are a fun, easy and simple way to engage and get feedback from your followers. Also, you can use the question box as well. Pay attention to questions people ask, who answers. This is all data for you to use to better understand who's following and attracting your ideal customer avatar.

  • Bio: Is it clear what you help people do, what the transformation is? Do you have a CTA to action, pointing to an opt-in or your webpage?

    • Is it clear in your Instagram Bio what it is that you do? Do you high light the transformation you help people with or is it drowned out by cute emojis? This is prime real estate space. It must provide a compelling reason for people to stick around. Do you have a call to action, how are you leading your visitors to the next step? Use an emoji that points down towards your URL. Which takes to the next one, is your URL leading to an opt-in, or a certain webpage that would be the natural next step for people to work with you? You can also use a tool called LinkTree. Linktree can be used as another way to guide visitors down a "Chose your adventure path". The one thing to be extremely careful about is to not provide too many options or too many paths because it could overwhelm your visitor.

  • Stories: Always thing about how it would be helpful to your ideal customer?

    • This is so key. What do you want to share and how does it align with your ideal customer avatar? You want to be mindful of the content you're serving up on stories and making sure it aligns with what your ICA wants to see from you. 10% of what is shared on SDH might be considered non-business, random facts about my day but the other 90% is business, mindset, personal development related. This is the reason why I keep my business IG account and personal IG account separate. If you follow my account the %'s are flipped...I share 90% personal and 10% business.

  1. Highlights: Create highlights based on your customer. What do they want to see? It might be BTS, Coaching (results), Q&A. You can easily create these graphics in Canva. Create an about me story.

  2. Leverage hashtags to find people and to get found.

  3. Focus on engagement not necessarily numbers.

    • It can be appealing to want to increase your followers for the sake of increasing them and for vanity growth but when you focus on those who are already showing up, you'll naturally attract others into your space.

  • Create consistent content that is in alignment - what are you speaking on (who are you attracting?)

    • You will attract what you put out. The content you create will attract whoever aligns with the content. For example, if you blog about personal finance and how to save money and live on a budget, but then try to offer a premium coaching program, it might be quite difficult because there is a disconnect. Pay attention to the content people engage and resonate the most with. Produce more of that.


  • Vsco for app filters

  • Canva Templates

  • Creative Market

Most importantly, Instagram is driven by an algorithm. And it changes all the time.

Amanda Boleyn