SDH 084: Sticking to Your Guns | How to be a solo-preneur, with Kirsten Miccoli

What does it take to be an artist and an entrepreneur? If you have a vision, define your path, and stick to your guns—even during the business lulls – you have three of the most important elements of being an artist entrepreneur.
During those lulls, it’s really enticing to take on side projects and money-making ventures. But anything you do that veers you away from your core vision usually ends up being a distraction that makes it very hard to get back on track, especially when it provides short-term security.
So where can you get that stick-to-it-ness? Well, you can start by networking, collaborating, and being willing to do anything in your power to bring to fruition the projects that people aren’t yet paying you for.
Because there’s nothing like an amazing photo shoot of body-painted models bathing in tubs of milk to help you book your next gig!
In this episode, you will…
Understand that inconsistency is to be expected when you’re an entrepreneur!
Hear Kirsten’s strategy to define yourself as the authority in your niche
Learn how to pick and choose the jobs you take, based on your long-term goals
Realize how important it is to allow things to happen organically
Discover how to brand yourself to get the work you want
Tune in for all of Kirsten’s tips and insights!
“Create the work you eventually want to get paid to do.” – Kirsten Miccoli