Start From Scratch Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 Start From Scratch

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What is the Start From Scratch Challenge?

Hey there!!

This week is the Start From Scratch Challenge where I am teaching you exactly how to get started, build your business and land clients (without having a website.)

That means, every day, I’ll be releasing new mini-episodes so be sure to tune in this week. 

During this challenge, I’m breaking down every step so that by the end of the week you’ll know exactly what to do to start getting clients and feel confident about it. 

As we go through the challenge, I want you to set aside 25 minutes every day to do the work every single day. To download the workbook for this challenge, see below.

Day 2 - Create Your Roadmap

 Today’s training we’re going to get clear on these 4 main ingredients.

  • WHAT services you want to offer/help people with (plus the importance of packaging them in a way that makes it easy for your potential client to say YES)

  • HOW do you want to help people? Go through the different ways you can offer services one-on-one or group. 

  • WHO specifically do you want to help?

  • Brainstorm WHERE they might be.

1) What services you want to offer/help people with (plus the importance of packaging them in a way that makes it easy for your potential client to say YES)

  • Start with brainstorming what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. And it doesn’t have to be what you’re currently doing at your full-time job it can be anything.

  • Also, I want you to think about when you’re the most energized, what gives you energy? What are you doing? You have the freedom to decide what services you want to offer.

  • Energy and time are not created equal. You can spend 30 minutes on a task that you don’t love doing and feel completed drained afterward or spend hours doing a task that you LOVE doing, leaving you feeling energized for hours after the task is done.

  • At this point, your brain may try to protect you and tell you that what you’re writing down, you’ll won’t be able to turn it into a business. I want you to know that that is normal and your brain is trying to protect you. You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. 

  • If you’re struggling to brainstorm, what I want you to do is visit and explore the different categories and jobs that people are posting on those platforms. This will help you generate ideas and to see what is possible in terms of the services you can offer. BONUS, create a profile on Upwork!

  • You’re first going to brainstorm a list of all the things you want to do and then I want you to narrow them down to 3, no more than 5. 

    • Example: Systems, email management, writing copy, blog scheduling, social media graphics, social media captions, Facebook management, Squarespace web developer, social media, etc. 

    • I then want you to narrow it down to at least 3, no more than 5: Social Media Marketing, Graphics Creation, Content Creation.

Too many choices can seem fun but it can also be overwhelming to your potential client. Every time we make someone think harder and zap more of their energy, that is less energy they have to make a decision.

It is our job to make it is easy for our potential clients to buy and to say YES.

If you’ve ever gone to a website for the first time that has loads of different options or ways to explore, it might be fun at first, but when it comes time to make a decision to sign up for something or buy something, you may find yourself, exiting out of the browser instead. 

If we confuse, we lose.

Narrow down to 3, no more than 5 services.

2) HOW do you want to help people? 

  • Option #1: Coaching: One-on-one or Group

    • Example: If you help people with systems, you could either do 1:1 or create a group coaching program specifically to help 

  • Option #2: Service-based - Typically one-on-one. You can do hourly, retainer or project-based.

    • Example: Ongoing marketing services, content management, and graphic creation.

3) WHO specifically do you want to help?

  • I want you to brainstorm the type of client you want to work with. This will help you when you start to market your services. Maybe you already have someone in mind that you want to work with or maybe you already have a star client. Identify what it IS about them that makes them so amazing and you love to work with them, is it their personality, the industry, the type of work? The more you can identify about that person, the easier it will be for you to screen future clients. 

  • If you’re starting from scratch, get as descriptive as you can about who you want to work with...Is it a he or she? What type of business owner are they? What sort of challenges do they face? Are they in a certain type of industry? Do they run an online business? Brick and mortar?

  • The more descriptive you can get, the better.

  • By knowing the type of person you want to help, that will then help you focus your marketing efforts. Your language will reflect your services and who you help.

  • If you’re starting from scratch and not quite sure who that individual is, that is okay. What will be really important is getting started with the process. Getting one client simply just to learn more about your potential clients, you, your services and more.

  • Experience is the teacher, not the thinking in this case.

4) Brainstorm WHERE they might be.

  • Based on the client you describe in step #3, that will help determine where to focus your efforts in terms of marketing. 

  • The 4 main platforms (not in any particular order) to consider marketing your services on will be:

    • Your immediate network (email/reaching out)

    • LinkedIn

    • Facebook

    • Instagram


  • What services you want to offer/help people with (plus the importance of packaging them in a way that makes it easy for your potential client to say YES)

  • HOW do you want to help people? Go through the different ways you can offer services one-on-one or group. 

  • WHO specifically do you want to help?

  • Brainstorm WHERE they might be.

A Final Note!

If you’re enjoying the challenge so far, screenshot today’s training and tag us on Instagram, and share your biggest takeaway so far!

Tomorrow for day 3 it is all about how to get clients.

Until then, keep doing it your way!
