Start From Scratch Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 Start From Scratch

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What is the Start From Scratch Challenge?

Hey there!!

This week is the Start From Scratch Challenge where I am teaching you exactly how to get started, build your business and land clients (without having a website.)

That means, every day, I’ll be releasing new mini-episodes so be sure to tune in this week. 

During this challenge, I’m breaking down every step so that by the end of the week you’ll know exactly what to do to start getting clients and feel confident about it. 

As we go through the challenge, I want you to set aside 25 minutes every day to do the work every single day. To download the workbook for this challenge, see below.

Day 3 - How to Land Clients

Welcome to day 3 of the Start From Scratch challenge!

Day 1 was all about mindset, yesterday we covered the 4 simple questions to answer in order to craft your roadmap. Today I want to share with you HOW to get clients. 

We’re going to talk about:

  • Difference between inbound and outbound marketing

  • Importance of a discovery call and when to use them

  • How to leverage value-based questioning

First, you have to consider that when you’re reaching out to people, they don’t know that much about you and your services. You have to build the know, like and trust factor. People do not buy from people they don’t like. 

So how do you build the know, like and trust factor?

There are so many different ways to go about doing so but one of the fundamental ways to build KLT factor is by using discovery calls. 

What is a discovery call? 

It is an opportunity for you and potential clients to get to learn about each other and see if you're a good fit for one another. You learn additional information about the potential client. It is also one of the most common ways to build the KLT Factor.

It’s sort of like speed dating. 

I like to call my discovery calls, strategy sessions.

Why are they powerful? 

Because if done right, they can be extremely profitable for your business. 

The simple overall process would be to get on the phone with as many ideal clients as possible and convert them into clients. 

It is very unlikely that someone would find you on the internet and work with you without having a conversation first. Unless they have heard of you previously or consumed some of your content. 

Since this is starting from scratch we’re assuming you’re not regularly putting out content and you don’t have a website. 

There are two types of marketing: inbound marketing and outbound marketing. 

Inbound marketing is when people reach out to you.

Outbound marketing is when you reach out to people. You initiate the conversation with a potential client. 

Inbound is when people arrive on your platforms: website and Instagram are a few examples. 

  • You attract people to your website or IG through the content you create

  • You then can engage them through free opt-ins and/or discovery call

Outbound marketing is you making potential customers aware of you and getting in front of them.

Your outbound marketing techniques could be as simple as:

  • Sending emails to your immediate network

  • Finding your ideal client on Instagram and sending them a voice memo

But even before you invite someone to the strategy session or simply can be referred to as a “call” you can provide value to them something first. 

In this case...let’s say you decide to help business owners with their Instagram content. 

You go on Instagram and find someone who looks like your ideal client. 

Before asking to set up a discovery call, you send them a voice message via IG: 

  • Introducing yourself

  • Who you are

  • What you help business owners like her with

  • The invite comes at the end. When you say you’d love to take a look at her Instagram and put together some recommendations that can help improve her engagement totally free and would love to set up a time to chat.

Again, in-bound is using strategic content to engage with your ideal client so that he or she takes action. You might share a piece of content like an Instagram story and invite them to sign up for a free strategy session with you. 

When you build your website you’ll most likely have a like for visitors to sign up for your free strategy session. 

Out-bound is you individually reaching out. 

You’ll most likely use both in the beginning.

Now, let’s talk circle back with the discovery call. 

When you’re on the discovery call you want to create what is called a buying environment. We talked a little bit about that yesterday when we discussed why it is important to narrow down your services so that you don’t overwhelm.

But also people can tell when they’re being sold to. And no one loves to be sold to but people really love to buy. You want to walk with them during the call, not at them.

While you’re on a call you want to make sure that you’re asking open-ended questions. You want the call to be a conversation and most importantly a chance for you to better understand your potential client’s challenges. 

Allowing the other person to talk and share their challenges is valuable for when you offer your services.  

When you set up the discovery call, ask great open-ended questions, you create an environment of trust, which makes it easier for your potential client to buy. 

To recap:

  • 2 Ways to market your services:

    • In-bound

      • Through strategic content and introducing the CTA for people to sign up for a complimentary strategy call.

      • Content -> Call to Action -> Discovery Call -> Client

    • Out-bound 

      • Personally reaching out to people. 

      • Personal Outreach -> Offer Customized Value Leads to Discovery Call -> Client

  • Create a Buying Environment:

    • Ask open-ended questions

    • Listen

    • Build the KLT Factor

Tomorrow, I’m going to talk about the actual PROCESS that will replace your website in the interim so that you can start to generate leads and land clients. 

A Final Note!

If you’re enjoying the challenge so far, screenshot today’s training and tag us on Instagram, and share your biggest takeaway so far!

Tomorrow for day 4 it is all about how to get clients.

Until then, keep doing it your way!
