SDH 377: Do This 1 Thing To Quit Your Day Job Sooner With Amanda Boleyn

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You want to quit your job and start your business but maybe you haven't set a leap date yet? If you have found yourself without a leap date and know you want to quit your job, there are a few different reasons as to why you may not be doing so.

Let's talk about the one thing that you can do when you are making the leap or setting your goal.

In this episode, you will...

  • Find the reason why you are not setting a leap date

  • Be aware of the things that are hindering you to get started

  • Discover the benefits of having an actual leap date

  • How to go through mental chatter

  • Be able to face your fear and doubts that are keeping you stuck

  • Understand the emotional impact when making decisions ahead of time

  • Become more serious in making the leap

  • And more!


  • "A goal without a plan is just a dream."

  • "For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time."

  • "Define what success looks like and your good, better, best revenue goals."


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